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International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1291, E-ISSN: 2664-1305
International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
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2019, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A

A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding prevention and home care management of chickenpox in children among mothers having children below 10 years of age residing at Uttarahalli Bangalore with a view to develop an information booklet

Mallarapu Chandrasekhar

Children are not men or women; they are like angels; in many respects, as if they never were to be the one or the other; they are as unlike as buds are unlike as flowers, and almost as blossoms are unlike. (W.S. LANDOR) A variety of skin infection may occur in children in the school age group. As children are inquisitive and mobile, they come into contact with a variety of people and animals. The close proximity in the school setting provides opportunity to be exposed to infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, fungus, insects and animals) in addition; children tend to share personal items. Chickenpox occurs worldwide and is endemic in large cities. Outbreaks occur sporadically, usually in areas with large groups of susceptible children. It affects all races and both sexes equally. It can occur at any age, but it is most common among children between age group 2 to 8. Skin diseases are common in children and about 30 % of paediatric OPD attendance is accounted by these conditions. Skin disorders are associated with manifestations of many systemic and hereditary diseases. Chickenpox is a worldwide disease and is no respecter race or class. The incidence increases in spring & winter months in the temperate zones. In the tropics, the peak incidence is during winter and early spring. The disease in fact started spreading from February itself. Lack of knowledge among common people on preventing water contamination is helping the virus to spread rapidly.
Pages : 01-02 | 2217 Views | 1167 Downloads

International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
How to cite this article:
Mallarapu Chandrasekhar. A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding prevention and home care management of chickenpox in children among mothers having children below 10 years of age residing at Uttarahalli Bangalore with a view to develop an information booklet. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2019;1(1):01-02. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2019.v1.i1a.1
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