Awareness regarding prevention of road traffic accidents among adolescents
Kalpana Bhushan Joshi
Road traffic crashes are a routine occurrence on roads throughout the world. Globally, 1.2 million people die and another 20-50 million sustain injuries from road accidents every year. Road accidents are 9 leading cause of deaths and are estimated to become the 5 leading cause of death by 2020. Major aims of this study was to assess knowledge regarding prevention of road traffic accidents and implementation of awareness programme regarding prevention of road traffic accidents among adolescents boys of selected Govt. school at Kawardha Dist, Chhattisgarh. This study was observational based and design was prospective design, setting was Govt. High school Karpatri, Kwardha. 74 adolescents were participated in this study, simple random sampling technique we used. Result was 38% adolescents had some knowledge regarding road traffic safety measures through professional persons and 53% had knowledge through media. 60% adolescents did not have driving license. No body adolescents did not go driving school to learn to drive. 40% of adolescents had average knowledge, 30% had poor knowledge, and 30% had good knowledge score.
Kalpana Bhushan Joshi. Awareness regarding prevention of road traffic accidents among adolescents. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2019;1(1):13-14. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2019.v1.i1a.6