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International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1291, E-ISSN: 2664-1305
International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
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2019, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A

Assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding child sexual abuse among school going children in selected schools of Jabalpur City

Anju Bala Sahu and Steffy Mathew

The research approach adopted for this study was evaluative in nature. A Quasi-experimental one group pre-test post-test research design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding child sexual abuse among school going children in selected school of Jabalpur city. The sample consisted of 100 school going children of 4th and 5th class to assess the knowledge regarding child sexual abuse. Data were collected for pilot study from Hitkarini Children Academy School, Jabalpur and main study from MGM Higher Secondary School Jabalpur using purposive sampling technique. The findings shows that mean pre-test knowledge score 13.93 and mean post-test knowledge score 21.83. Post-test knowledge score is higher than the pre-test knowledge score. than pre-test score (SD=6.736) is higher than that of post-test score (SD=4.24) and computed paired value shows that there is significant difference between mean pre-test and post-test knowledge score (t=1.932).This indicates that video assisted teaching programme was effective in increasing knowledge score of school going children regarding child sexual abuse hence, it was imperative for school going children to provide quality of life. The study concluded that the video assisted teaching programme on child sexual abuse was effective method for providing moderate to adequate knowledge to school going children and enhancing their knowledge regarding child sexual abuse.
Pages : 17-19 | 2742 Views | 1569 Downloads

International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
How to cite this article:
Anju Bala Sahu, Steffy Mathew. Assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding child sexual abuse among school going children in selected schools of Jabalpur City. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2019;1(1):17-19. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2019.v1.i1a.8
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