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International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1291, E-ISSN: 2664-1305
International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
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2019, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A

Knowledge regarding danger signs of pregnancy among antenatal mothers

Rimpi Devi

Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase in a women’s life. It brings about emotional and physiological changes as well as poses extra demands on the body. Sometimes, a pregnant woman may experience some signs and symptoms which signal danger. The danger signs in pregnancy include vaginal spotting or bleeding at any time, leaking of fluid from the vagina, unusual abdominal pain, cramping, pelvic pressure, or persistent backache, persistent nausea and vomiting, especially in the second and third trimester. The other danger signs in pregnancy are persistent headache or blurred vision, marked swelling of the ankles and especially of hands and face, painful or burning urination, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, chills or fever, feeling very tired, and decreased fetal movements in the third trimester. A descriptive study of 50 antenatal mothers attending outpatient department was performed. Interviews were conducted at Arpana hospital, Karnal, using a structured knowledge questionnaire. Findings of the study revealed that across the samples, majority of the antenatal mothers belong to 22-25 years 27 (54%), Hindu religion 38 (76%), rural community 27(54%). Majority of antenatal mothers had graduation and above level of education 21(42%) and 42(80%) were housewife. The result showed 58% of the antenatal mothers had good level of knowledge regarding danger signs of pregnancy followed by 30% of the antenatal mothers had average level of knowledge and only 12% had very good level of knowledge regarding danger signs of pregnancy.
Pages : 13-15 | 1961 Views | 1071 Downloads

International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
How to cite this article:
Rimpi Devi. Knowledge regarding danger signs of pregnancy among antenatal mothers. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2019;1(2):13-15. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2019.v1.i2a.12
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