A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on behavioral problems among mothers of 1-12 years of children in selected hospital at Gwalior (M.P.)
Dr. Bharati S Batra and Maneesh Kumar
1. To assess the level of pretest and posttest knowledge on behavioral problems among mothers of 1-12 years of children.
2. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on behavioral problems among mothers of 1-12 years of children.
3. To find out the association between the posttest knowledge of mothers of 1-12 years of children with selected socio demographic variables.
Methods: The study was pre-experimental in nature. Sample size was 60 mothers. Purposive sampling technique was used for the collection of date. The data collection was done by using structured questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The highest mean pretest knowledge 40.5% was found in the aspect of meaning and etiology of behavioural problem, followed by 33.62% of mean pretest knowledge in the aspect of classification and symptoms and least mean pretest knowledge 17.077% was found in the aspect of management and prevention. Overall mean pretest score of the respondents was 8.2 with a standard deviation of 1.685 and a mean percentage of 27.33% and about 54 (90%) of the mothers had inadequate knowledge and about 6(10%) of the mothers had moderately adequate knowledge on the behavioral problems of children. The highest mean posttest knowledge 88.31% was found in the aspect of classification and symptoms of behavioural problems, followed by83.077% of mean posttest knowledge in the aspect of management and prevention and least mean posttest knowledge 58.25% was found in the aspect of meaning and etiology. The overall posttest mean score among the respondents on the behavioral problems among children was 24.62 with a standard deviation of 2.08 and a mean percentage of 82.07%. The enhancement in the knowledge score on meaning and etiology is 17.75% and on the classification and symptoms is 54.69% and on management and prevention is 66% and the overall posttest score is 54.74%.
Conclusion: The following conclusion was drawn on the basis of the findings of the study. This study shows that there was an improvement in the knowledge of the mothers regarding behavioral problem among the 1-12 children as evidenced by the pretest and posttest knowledge scores.
Dr. Bharati S Batra, Maneesh Kumar. A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on behavioral problems among mothers of 1-12 years of children in selected hospital at Gwalior (M.P.). Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2019;1(2):33-37. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2019.v1.i2a.17