Developing clinical protocol for nursing practice: Improving care of children with cancer towards implementing stem cell transplantation therapy
Youssria El Sayed, Nora Abdelhamid Zaki and Eman Hassan Mahmoud
Back ground: Stem cell transplantation has generally painstaking as a curative management and also is a lifesaving technique for children with a many of malignant and non- malignant diseases.
So the aim of this study: was to develop clinical protocol for nursing practice for improving care of children with cancer through: 1- Assess nurses' knowledge and practices towards implementing stem cell transplantation therapy. 2- Design, implement and evaluate the effect of clinical protocol regarding to care of children with cancer.
Setting: This study accompanied at the in-patient and outpatient departments in Oncology department affiliated to South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University.
The subject: of this study was all nurses (50) worked at the previously mentioned settings who were care giver for children with cancer.
Tools: Two tools were used (pre, post and follow up format), 1st tool; an interviewing questionnaire sheet for the nurses who give care for children with cancer. It comprised from two parts; personal characteristics of the studied nurses and nurses’ knowledge towards implementing stem cell transplantation therapy. 2nd tool; observational checklist includes actual practice regarding to care of children with cancer during implementing transplantation.
Results: There were statistically significant differences regarding nurses' knowledge and practices about stem cell transplantation before, after and follow up protocol intervention.
Conclusion: Nurses' knowledge and practice toward children through implementing stem cell transplantation improved significantly post and at follow up implementation of nursing protocol.
The study recommended that: periodically educational training programs for nurses to help them to improve their practice for management of children with cancer in the pediatric oncology units to estrange and reduce the complications of cancer.
Youssria El Sayed, Nora Abdelhamid Zaki, Eman Hassan Mahmoud. Developing clinical protocol for nursing practice: Improving care of children with cancer towards implementing stem cell transplantation therapy. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2020;2(1):01-09. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2020.v2.i1a.19