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International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1291, E-ISSN: 2664-1305
International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
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2020, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A

Effectiveness of self instructional module regarding neonatal nosocomial infection among nursing personnels

Ritu Kundu

Neonatal nosocomial infections are an important cause of neonatal morbidity. A hospital-acquired infection, also known as a nosocomial infection, is an infection whose development is favored by a hospital environment, such as one acquired by a patient during a hospital visit or one developing among hospital staff. Such infections include fungal and bacterial infections and are aggravated by the reduced resistance of individual patients. A descriptive study of 50 staff nurses who working in NICU in N. C Jindal hisar, vashnavvidevi churamani hospital. Data was collected by convenient sampling techniques. In pre-test, Level of knowledge of nursing personnel in the pre test showed that 52% of the nursing personnel were having moderate knowledge regarding neonatal nosocomial infection control and 48% of the nursing personnel were having inadequate knowledge In post-test, 74% of the nursing personnel were having adequate knowledge regarding neonatal nosocomial infection control and 26% of the nursing personnel were having moderate knowledge. Pre-test the lowest nursing personnel mean percentage score (42.1%) was in the area of Prevention and complication of neonatal nosocomial infection. In post-test the lowest nursing personnel mean percentage score (75.9%) was in the area of Prevention and complication of neonatal nosocomial infection. The result showed present study that the practice mean score (10.80) in pre-test and in post- test practice mean score (15.32). The calculated P value (0.000) is significant at 0.001 level. Demographical variables have significant association with knowledge score of nursing personel at 0.05 level of significant. But working place have no significant association with knowledge score of nursing personel at 0.05 level of significant.
Pages : 14-17 | 1614 Views | 815 Downloads

International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
How to cite this article:
Ritu Kundu. Effectiveness of self instructional module regarding neonatal nosocomial infection among nursing personnels. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2020;2(2):14-17. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2020.v2.i2a.32
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