A quasi-experimental research study on knowledge of B.Sc. nursing 3rd year students on neonatal resuscitation
Archana Peter and Dr. Malti Lodhi Singh
The objectives were achieved through the findings of the pre test scores indicate that 46.66% of the respondents scored average grade and 10% was having good knowledge score, while in the post test majority 71.66% of B.Sc. Nursing were having good knowledge score between 21 to 30 marks.
The pre-test mean score was 12 and SD was 3.91, while post test mean was 22.04 and SD was 4. This showed significant difference in knowledge level before and after the video assisted teaching.
The computed “t” test statics =7.032. Since the “P” value for the test is less than 0.05% level of the significant. Knowledge score of the samples showed an increase in the post test phase. This indicates that the video assisted is effective in increase the knowledge of samples regarding neonatal resuscitation.
The association between knowledge of students regarding neonatal resuscitation with demographic variables is statistically tested by applying chi-square test. The age of the students was found most significant. Other variables were not significant.
The findings of the study have implication in nursing education and nursing research.
Thus this study concluded that video assisted teaching on neonatal resuscitation was helpful in increasing the knowledge of B.Sc. Nursing 3rd year students.
Archana Peter, Dr. Malti Lodhi Singh. A quasi-experimental research study on knowledge of B.Sc. nursing 3rd year students on neonatal resuscitation. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2020;2(2):112-114. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2020.v2.i2b.47