Reimagining paediatric health care with m-health technology
Karthigaieswari S and Suja Santosh PS
m-Health otherwise known as mobile health, a term used for the practice of medicine and public health supported by mobile devices. m-health care services are more popular in Community Pediatrics, which has increased in the last five years especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend runs counter to reluctance to adaptation of the new mode of healthcare that existed prior to the pandemic. We can expect that after the pandemic m-health care services will continue to be a significant mode of community Pediatric care.
There is an increased utilization of m- health by Pediatric providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. m-health care resulted in improved health care access, optimized disease management, progress in the monitoring of health conditions, and fewer exposures to patients with illnesses during pandemics such as Dengue, COVID-19, Swine flu etc.
Karthigaieswari S, Suja Santosh PS. Reimagining paediatric health care with m-health technology. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2022;4(1):05-08. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2022.v4.i1a.79