Effect of aquarium therapy on pain during intravenous cannulation among children
Gisha Joseph, Vasantha Singarayan and Dr. Sushma Krishna
A quantitative research study with post-test only control group design was conducted at Paediatric Medicine ward of St. John’s Medical College Hospital. 34 children were selected between the age group of 3-12 years through purposive sampling technique. At first the data were collected from the control group to avoid contamination. For control group routine procedure was done, during the procedure the video was taken by the investigator later it was scored by a second person. For experimental group prior to the I.V cannulation the investigator narrates the story regarding the aquarium by using an audio recorder according to the subjects language simultaneously intravenous cannulation was done at the same time the investigator had taken video and later it was the scored by a second person. The findings of the study reveal that Experimental group had significant reduction in pain in comparison to control group at p<0.001.Hence providing aquarium therapy is an effective method to reduce pain during intravenous cannulation in children.
Gisha Joseph, Vasantha Singarayan, Dr. Sushma Krishna. Effect of aquarium therapy on pain during intravenous cannulation among children. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2022;4(2):91-95. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2022.v4.i2b.105