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International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1291, E-ISSN: 2664-1305
International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
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2023, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A

A study to evaluate the practices affecting thermoregulation in immediate newborn care after birth within four hours

Vandana Kushwaha and Dr. Ratna Chhaya Singh

Aim: A study to evaluate the practices affecting thermoregulation in immediate newborn care after birth within four hours. The study was conducted in the Kushabhau Thakrey District Hospital, Rewa. Research approach adopted for this study was descriptive evaluator approach. The sample composed of 100 normal newborn who born vaginally. The sampling technique used in the study was non probability purposive convenient sampling technique.
Results: Immediate after birth. 66% of the babies were in normal range. 34% of the babies were below the normal range. After transferring from the labour room to resuscitation room.14% babies were below normal range. 86% babies were within normal range. After transferring to postnatal ward. 66% babies were maintaining normal temperature. 34% were maintained below normal range.
Pages : 19-21 | 699 Views | 352 Downloads

International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
How to cite this article:
Vandana Kushwaha, Dr. Ratna Chhaya Singh. A study to evaluate the practices affecting thermoregulation in immediate newborn care after birth within four hours. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2023;5(1):19-21. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2023.v5.i1a.113
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