Knowledge and attitude on Bio psycho sexual health among adolescent girls studying at selected Professional College, Puducherry
Aruna Shyamala M and Dr. Rose Rajesh
Background: Adolescent is a unique stage of human development and an important time for laying the foundations of good health. The rapid growth of physical, cognitive and psychosocial components of adolescents affects their feeling, thinking, making decisions. Adolescents have many doubts and questions about their bio psychosexual development of life, which gives rise to anxiety and confusion. Hence it becomes essential to include bio psychosexual education and health programs in all higher secondary educations.
Objectives: To assess the level of knowledge and attitude on Bio psychosexual health among adolescent girls. To find out the correlation between the level of knowledge and attitude regarding Bio psychosexual health among adolescent girls. To determine the association between knowledge & attitude regarding Bio psychosexual health with selected demographic variable
Methodology: The design adopted for this study was a descriptive cross-sectional design. The study was conducted in the Medical and Nursing College, PIMS. Data collection period was for one month. Samples were first-year B.SC Nursing and MBBS students studying at PIMS, Puducherry. A stratified simple random sampling technique was used to select the participants for the study. Sample size was 120. The tool used for data collection was a self-structured questionnaire.
Result and Discussion: The findings show that 67.5 % of adolescent girls have adequate knowledge and 62.5% of them had desirable attitude. There was a significant correlation between the level of Knowledge and Attitude. There was a significant association between the demographic variable like course, family type, educational status of mother, occupational status of father and source of information with the level of knowledge and attitude on Bio psychosexual health among adolescent girls
Conclusion: The study revealed that majority of the adolescent girls had adequate knowledge and desirable attitude which was due to social media, this basic knowledge could be used in adolescent education, as a base to promote better awareness on unwanted risk-taking behavior among adolescents. Media, the source of information could be used to reach all adolescents for healthy bio psychosexual health.
Aruna Shyamala M, Dr. Rose Rajesh. Knowledge and attitude on Bio psycho sexual health among adolescent girls studying at selected Professional College, Puducherry. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2023;5(2):07-10. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2023.v5.i2a.126