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International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1291, E-ISSN: 2664-1305
International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
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2023, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part A

Growth and development of children of employed and unemployed mothers in hospitals of Gangtok, Sikkim India

Mingma Doma Bhutia, Reshma Tamang and Sorokhaibam Nandarani Devi

Background: Growth is a necessary part of existence the process of growth begins at conception and continues until the child reaches adulthood. The maternal factor has a significant impact on a child's growth and development. The study was aimed to assess and compare the growth and development of children of employed and unemployed mothers and find out the association of growth and development of children with selected demographic variables.
Methods: A non-experimental quantitative research approach and descriptive comparative design was used for the study. The study was conducted at STNM Hospital Sochaygang Gangtok Sikkim with a total of 152 samples were taken from which 76 were children of employed mothers while 76 were children of unemployed mothers using a nonprobability purposive sampling technique. Data entry and statistical analysis was performed with the help of SPSS version 24.0. Height for age, weight for age was done using WHO z-score and mid-upper arm circumference was analysed using UNICEF Mid-upper arm circumference grading and development was assessed using Denver’s developmental screening test.
Results: Findings shows that weight for age among children of employed mothers, majority 69(90.8%) children were having normal weight for age, 6(7.9%) were having mild underweight and 1(1.3%) were having moderately underweight. Among unemployed mothers, the majority 64(84.2%) children were having normal weight for age, 10(13.2%) were having mild underweight and 1(1.3%) had moderate underweight. Height for age in employed and unemployed mothers revealed that among employed mothers 67(88.2%) of children were having normal height for age and 9(11.8%) were having mild stunting. Among unemployed mothers 60(78.9%) of children were having normal height for age, 10(13.2%) were having mild stunting and 6(7.9%0 were having moderate stunting. Mid-arm circumference in employed and unemployed mothers revealed that among employed mothers 67(88.2%) of children were well nourished and 9(11.8%) of children were moderately acute nourished. Among unemployed mothers 64(84.2%) of children were well nourished and 12(15.8%) of children were moderately acute nourished. Development of children according to Denver’s developmental screening in employed and unemployed mothers revealed that among employed mothers 62(81.6%) of children were having normal development, 7(9.2%) were having suspected development and 7(9.2%) of children were untestable. Among employed mothers 68(89.5%) of children were having normal development, 5(6.6%) of children were untestable and 3(3.9%) were having suspected development. There was a significant association of growth with the selected demographic variable i.e., qualification of the mothers with p-value of 0.032 and 0.035. There is a significant difference in the mid upper arm circumference of children, in employed mothers mean value was 14.32±1.225 and in unemployed mothers was 13.83±1.187 with mean difference in mid-arm circumference was 0.49 with a calculated t-value (t=2.501 at DF=150) was statistically significant at p<0.05 level. The major conclusion of the study drawn on the basis of the findings of the study was that the majority of the children from both the children of employed and unemployed mothers were normal for their weight for age, height for age and mid upper arm circumference, also recognised the difference in the growth and development of children of employed and unemployed mothers.
Pages : 24-30 | 697 Views | 335 Downloads

International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
How to cite this article:
Mingma Doma Bhutia, Reshma Tamang, Sorokhaibam Nandarani Devi. Growth and development of children of employed and unemployed mothers in hospitals of Gangtok, Sikkim India. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2023;5(2):24-30. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2023.v5.i2a.130
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