A study to evaluate the effectiveness of multimodal educational program on knowledge of school children regarding environmental sanitation at selected areas of Belagavi district
Praveen Parit and Rajesh K
Background of the study: A study, titled “A study to evaluate the effectiveness of multimodal educational program on knowledge of school children regarding environmental sanitation at selected areas of Belagavi district”. A school is an establishment designed to provide learning spaces and a learning environment for the student’s teacher under the leadership of the teachers. A school is a place that not only provides education to children but also a learning environment. After stepping out of the house it plays a vital role in the development of a child. It includes cognitive as well as the creative development of the child. The work Hygiene commonly refers to the combination of practices or behaviours related associated with the preservation of health and living in healthy manner. The work hygiene usually focuses on personal hygiene and it includes the cleanliness of the body, hair, feed, fingers, cloths what we use and menstrual hygiene. Enhancement in people’s knowledge, skill and practices related to hygiene can modify a person’s behaviour towards healthy practices those focus on promotion of hygiene. This can be achieved by carrying out hygienic education and aim of this should be transfer of knowledge, understanding of hygiene and associated health risks in order to help people change their behaviour to use better hygienic practices.
Approach: The research approach adopted for this study is an evaluative approach.
Design: The research design selected for this present study was pre-experimental.
Setting: The study was conducted at BIMS Teaching Hospital, Belagavi, Karnataka.
Participants: 50 school children were selected by simple random sampling technique, as a probability sampling method.
Pre-assessment: The tool was developed by preparation of knowledge questionnaires and content validity of the tool was established by taking corrections from experts. Later multimodal educational program was administered on the same day of pre assessment.
Post assessment: Knowledge questionnaire was administered after 7 days of administration of multimodal educational program to assess its effectiveness.
Results: The results of major findings indicated that, Percentage distribution of school children in pre-test reveals that out of 50 school children 80% had poor knowledge followed by 20% school children with average knowledge. No one have excellent, good and very poor knowledge regarding environmental sanitation.
In post-test knowledge However after MMEP (post-test) 52% school children had excellent knowledge followed by 48% school children with good knowledge and no one had average, poor and very poor knowledge regarding environmental sanitation
As the calculated t value (24.9) was much higher than table ‘t’ value (2.02) the hypothesis: H1 - There is a significant difference between pretest and posttest scores of school children regarding environmental sanitation was accepted. Findings revealing the presence of significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge scores, hence the MMEP was proved to be effective
Interpretation & Conclusion: The study concluded that MMEP on environmental sanitation was an effective method for providing moderate to adequate knowledge for school children to enhance their knowledge.
Implications for clinical practices: On the basis of findings, it is recommended that a similar study may be replicated issuing a large number of respondents.
Praveen Parit, Rajesh K. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of multimodal educational program on knowledge of school children regarding environmental sanitation at selected areas of Belagavi district. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2023;5(2):114-117. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2023.v5.i2b.143