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International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1291, E-ISSN: 2664-1305
International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
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2024, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part A

A study to assess the effectiveness of interventional packages on selected psychological problems and coping strategies among orphans residing at selected orphanages Bagalkot

Neeta B Khichadi and Rhoda Jesuraj

Background of the study: Bereft of parents, the orphan is a child who requires protection, care, and guidance. The orphan thus reveals his or her cultures understanding of both the underage child’s essential needs and society’s responsibility for meeting them. Because debates about theimportance of the child often crystallize around the orphan, the orphan proves to be a figure of concern across culture, throughout history, and in the contemporary world. The orphan is defined by the deprivation of parents, and is commonly understood to be a child who has lost both parents death.
Aims: A Pre-experimental Study with one group pre-test post test without control group design aimed “A Study to assess the effectiveness of Interventional Packages on Selected Psychological Problems and Coping Strategies among Orphans Residing at Selected Orphanages Bagalkot”
Conceptual Frame work:
Based on Ludwig Von Bertalanffy’s General System Theory
Methodology: An evaluative research approach was used to assess the effectiveness of interventional package on selected psychological problems and coping strategies Among Orphans Residing At Selected Orphanages Bagalkot. In the present study Pre-experimental with one group pre testpost test without control group design was used. In the present study, a sample of 60 children were selected by disproportionate random sampling technique. Structured close ended questionnaire was used to collect the data.
Results: The overall finding revealed that the post test score 41±9.57 which was 99.52% of total score is more when compared to the pre-test score 30.8±6.56 which was 73.45% of total score. Hence it indicates that interventional package was effective in enhancing the psychological problems, self-esteem and coping strategies.
When paired ‘t’ test was applied to find out the significant difference between pre-test and post test scores it revealed that calculated ‘t’ value (12.34) was much higher than table ‘t’ value (1.96) Thus the hypothesis was accepted.
Chi-square was calculated to find out the association between post test scores of children with their selected socio demographic variables. There is no significant association found between post test scores of children regarding psychological problems, self-esteem and coping strategies and selected socio-demographic variables but there is an association between post test scores and duration of stay in the ashram.
Since many socio-demographic variables were not having significant association between post test scores; H2- There will be significant association between post test score with selected socio-demographic variables will be rejected.
Interpretation and Conclusion: The overall findings of the study clearly showed that Interventional Packages on Selected Psychological Problems and Coping Strategies among Orphans Residing at Selected Orphanages Bagalkot is effective. This indicates that the Coping Strategies is important for improving the quality of life.
Pages : 36-42 | 396 Views | 185 Downloads

International Journal of Research in Paediatric Nursing
How to cite this article:
Neeta B Khichadi, Rhoda Jesuraj. A study to assess the effectiveness of interventional packages on selected psychological problems and coping strategies among orphans residing at selected orphanages Bagalkot. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2024;6(1):36-42. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2024.v6.i1a.152
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