Effectiveness of audio visual modelling on oral hygiene practices and Oral health among children with intellectual disability
Athira R and Marykutty Mathew
The present study investigated the effectiveness of audio visual modelling on oral hygiene practices and oral health among children with intellectual disability in selected special schools of Kottayam district. A quantitative, pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used for this study. Thirty-five samples were selected by simple random sampling. Data were collected using socio personal and clinical data sheets, oral health assessment tool and rating scale for assessing oral hygiene practices. Audio visual modelling, a scenario-based animated video teaching programme on oral hygiene practices and oral health, for 30 minutes duration was given after pre-test, to subjects along with their parents/caregivers, for three consecutive days in two groups, followed by a reinforcement session on day 8. Post test was conducted on day 15. Paired t-test, Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient test and Chi-square test were used for data analysis. The results of the study revealed that audio visual modelling had statistically significant effect on oral hygiene practices (t = 4.76; p<0.01) and oral health (t = 6.00; p<0.01) among children with intellectual disability. The study also revealed that a moderate positive linear correlation (r = 0.59; p<0.01) exists between oral hygiene practices and oral health. A significant association was found between oral hygiene practices and oral health and age (3.66; p<0.05), I Q level (6.17; p<0.01) and dental caries (7.85; p<0.02). In conclusion, audio visual modelling is effective in improving oral hygiene practices and oral health among children with intellectual disability.
Athira R, Marykutty Mathew. Effectiveness of audio visual modelling on oral hygiene practices and Oral health among children with intellectual disability. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2024;6(1):98-101. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2024.v6.i1b.158