Pain response during heel prick blood sampling while using adjustable lancing device versus hypodermic needle among neonates
Maj Sakshee, Col Aruna KR and Lt Col Rituparna Ghuha
Background: Neonatal Pain is the distress and discomfort experienced by newborn. Blood sampling by heel prick procedure is commonest painful procedure performed on newborn and neonatal pain by heel prick method is a significant concern in healthcare of newborns.3
Objective: To compare the neonatal pain during heel prick blood sampling by using adjustable lancing device and hypodermic needle.
Methods: A comparative study was conducted over 06 weeks duration and hemodynamically stable sixty four neonates were randomized into two groups {neonates receiving heel prick using adjustable lancing device (n=32) and hypodermic needle (n=32)} using lottery method. The neonates under hypodermic needle were pricked by 26 gauge Dispovan needle and neonates under adjustable lancing device were pricked by 28 gauge one touch simple select lancing device. The primary outcome was measured using Neonatal Infant pain scale score and secondary outcome was assessed by the duration of audible cry. The statistical analysis was done using the Mann Whitney U Test, Anova and Chi Square test.
Result: The mean pain score of neonates receiving heel prick using adjustable lancing device (2.03±2.265) was less as compared to neonates receiving heel prick using hypodermic needle (6.00±1.566), with a p value<0.0001. The mean duration of audible cry among neonates receiving heel prick using adjustable lancing device (4.84±10.12 Sec) was less as compared with neonates receiving heel prick using hypodermic needle (25.94±19.72 Sec) gives p value < 0.0001
Conclusion: Heel prick blood sampling using adjustable lancing device cause less pain among neonates than by using 26- gauge hypodermic needle.
Maj Sakshee, Col Aruna KR, Lt Col Rituparna Ghuha. Pain response during heel prick blood sampling while using adjustable lancing device versus hypodermic needle among neonates. Int J Res Paediatric Nurs 2025;7(1):01-04. DOI: 10.33545/26641291.2025.v7.i1a.191